
Feb 7, 20223 min

1st Paint Night

Heylooo! Wagwaan!

It’s Foreal back at it with some more peace, some more love & some more happiness.

OMG! I just love how beautiful things flow when it’s divine. I had the absolute pleasure of working alongside Empower Nutrition to curate a space of high vibes!

Last night was the first official paint night taught by Foreal the CEO of ‘Feels Of Foreal’ and the energy exchange was impeccable.

For my first time, I felt like I had done it before. It just all flowed so naturally.

—Now don’t get me wrong, I was super anxious leading up to finally being on the spot about to teach.

You know when we do something for the first time, and just because we haven’t done it before we’re anxious? Yea that’s exactly how I felt!

I’m grateful that I have dedicated my human experience to positive affirmations and mantras. Because that is truly what saved me from going down the rabbit hole of ‘omg I’m doing this .. and it’s my first time .. and what do I expect’

Expectancy is a real thing, and it’s most beneficial for us to anticipate the best. To overwork the mind in positive thoughts, rather than allowing the negative ones to take over.

Leading up the event, I was sure that I was going to have a great time. I just wasn’t sure how the night was going to go, UNTIL I saw it in my mind. You have to see it, that’s what eases the mind. I visualized the event after I had solidified what we were going to paint.

Not knowing what we were going to paint, drove me crazy! I was very mindful of the type of people that would be there, and not really knowing all who would be there (haha) - I wanted to paint something that would be generally inclusive to everyone’s interests.

I believe it is fair to say that everyone enjoyed it, and loves their masterpiece. The Feels Of Foreal way of doing things, is enlighten while having fun. Here’s a clip of the night that i know you’ll appreciate!


Thank you to my friend & business partner; Host Valcin for taking this video. It’s the little things! (Be sure to check out the family @ Hostvalcin.net - there you can book any of us to host your event.)

This is the season of doing things that feel right. & teaching this paint night FELT RIGHT! I hope you indulge into your craft by mastering you, and allowing the most divine experiences to find you. When you feel the fear and do it anyways, as the great Les Brown says - you win, you win because the experience is fulfilling and the result is always higher than you expected. So feel the fear & do it anyway.

Also! Silence the doubt with positive affirmations and high vibes. You got this, and that is anything you put your mind to.

I really enjoyed the community I felt last night. It was amazing being with happy people that kept laughing and had positive vibes. Thank you to everyone that came! I am looking forward to doing this, a lot! So stay tuned for more Empower Nutrition x Feels Of Foreal events.

Stop by & Check out Empower Nutrition!

They have a whole bunch of smoothie, shakes, protein coffee, tea and more love!

They are located at 828 Crescent St, Brockton, Massachusetts

Hours / Mon-Fri: 6am-5pm Sat: 8am-5pm Sun: Closed

I wish you a prosperous week. Remember that intention is all! So let’s set a mantra to use throughout this week to keep the vibes high and our focus right!

“I am powerful beyond measure.

Anything I put my mind to, I can do.”

Feeelllsss! Wheww.

Tuesday & Thursday @ 830am and @12pm tap into the Reset & Raise Your Vibration session, it is 15min via zoom and is bound to leave you feeling uplifted. Book now in services link above!

So with that being said have a prosperous week. I love you, love yourself & feel like love - for you are.

Peace & Love,



+ donations:

Cash App: $FeelsOfForeal

Venmo: FeelsOfForeal

PayPal: @FeelsOfForeal

Zelle: FeelsOfForeal@gmail.com

abundant feels. thank you!
