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.Let's Exchange.

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This is a safe space for sharing and exchanging artz.
!w o r d s are p o w e r!

Image by Florian Klauer

Time to RESET

Writer's picture: feelsofforealfeelsofforeal

Heyloo! Wagwannn, it’s Foreal back at it with some more peace, some more love & some more happiness.


In the spirit of 2022, and it being a new year - I know everyone is feeling refreshed. So I think it’s a perfect time to touch on this.

Do you know that you can always reset in every moment?

Check out the new Reset & Raise vibration segment!

- this is a new segment that will be offered, Tuesday & Thursday's @8:30am & @12pm

- during this 15min we will reset & rise our vibration, book now -

The power of r e s e t t i n g.

--- Reset.

One of the most magical things about our human experience is that we can RESET. At any time, any place, anyhow! We can RESET & give self permission to reset, what a powerful thing.

So let’s talk about how.

First things first, acknowledgment & acceptance.

Answer the question, What am I resetting?

For me, in this season - I am resetting how I walk in my power, and show up in my purpose.

I feel like, I have so much more to offer than I have been offering. I feel like, I've diminished my own power by worrying about what the outside thinks of me & having fear of whether or not I would be praised for my passion.

Apart of this acknowledgment, is accepting that what was - is exactly what should have been. & that’s okay.

I am, now going to begin walking in my power f u l l y. That is without regard of the outside approving, and without fear of being praised. The craziest past, is that those two things are to come regardless. Sometimes you have to silence the mind, because it be lying.


Then it's time to make the mental move that will influence the physical movement.

(2) Secondly, is making the decision, which is aligned with seeing the new.

You must see it and feel it, for it to come into fruition. You must also believe it to be.

This part is simple, but probably the hardest because our minds hold old beliefs that we now need to shift.

Making the decision is also aligned with changing the perspective of “I can’t” to “I CAN” ..

Whether you say/think you can or not, you are correct. Remember that we are aligned to the frequency of infinite energy. There is nothing that can’t be. Everything is accessible in the universe's source bucket.

So, yes you can reset and start fresh. (anything)


Third, is writing it down.

Writing it down is like re-confirming it to your mind, making it real. When we write things down, it is seen through our eyes and it is heard in our subconscious.

This step is also aligned with, feeling it as done & allowing the necessary physical actions to flow. Once you decide, everything begins to flow. Just allow it to.

In the now, I allow myself to be powerful. I allow myself to be the boss I am, without diminishing (no matter, who, what, where)


Fourth, is acting in your new reset.

Taking actions that are aligned with your intended reset, is like moving as if it is already done. For me, I will be exercising my throat chakra, and being more vocal in my expertise. It takes time to get to the feeling of complete reset, but inch by inch you will feel it coming to fruition.

One of the best actions to take towards your reset is saying/reciting mantras. Mantras are extremely useful in my life for the main fact that I am always resetting, reshaping, and aligning with my most divine.

We are the number one voice we hear most, so why not positively manipulate it?

At first, your brain will try to tell you that what you are saying is wrong.

Ignore that voice and continue to say it, until you believe it. This is what I like to call reprograming the mind.

* it is best to always keep in mind that we can do, be, feel, go - anywhere.

the only limits are that of our mind.*

My mantras this week:

  1. I am all that I believe I am.

  2. I am so grateful to walk in my full power.

  3. I am welcoming my highest power to take control in this physical reality.

  4. I am feeling full as I operate from my most passionate feels.


Welp. There we have it.

Thank you for showing up for yourself, and taking the time to read through this blogz post. We are constantly growing, and it is important for us to intentionally reset things that may not be aligned with us in the now. There is always room for new. Always room for a change!

So, go for it. Feel it out, let it rock & say yes to that which you truly want.

Also, join me at the next Feels Of Foreal event.

We will collectively make our own vision boards, talk about change, and have fun doing it.

Space is limited, so get your tickets sooner than later.

I Love You.

Keep going, you got this.

Peace & Love, Foreal

Donations not required but infinitely appreciated!

Cash App: $FeelsOfForeal

Venmo: FeelsOfForeal

PayPal: @FeelsOfForeal


abundant feels. thank you!

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